wheeeeeeee... - 12:04 AM
just cabbed home. for the past fridays i've been cabbing home reaching at 11.30. some routine. can't carry on like that. i'd go broke! and end up like a dead log on sat's band prac. anyways we had bio test today. finally. the whole week i was not feeling hungry. eating small stuff and snacks. and surviving on latte to keep me awake. and suddenly, i ate lots of stuff today =S yupp was having flu during the test but it miracously cleared once the test ended. had sectionals. i need to practise. =S but we're really working quite hard. like 2 days sectionals in a row. whoa. haha stoned ard waited for time to pass. scented oils. HAHAHA. showered and went for dinner with oi. we were in a damn happy and relaxed mood coz bio test was over and she felt achieved after sectionals. met xj at mos and made her scream! HAHAHAHAHA. its been a long long time since we ate dinner together. haha. proceeded to tj for guitar concert to support Sybil! [singing partner] hahaha we were late but we still managed to catch her in her first song. haha. thought guitar concert was going to be something very different from the songs i usually listen but it turned out to be quite nice and relaxing. haha. but err gotta confess me and hu shing were chatting most of the time =S and den she gave me a rum ball[some chocolate cake thing. its sweet] waited for Sybil to pack up and we went for supper at the dessert stall at the hawker centre opposite. gosh their some lucky kids. the food there is like 10X better than vj food. and its comparable in price! and we were eating dessert there and the woman was closing shop she gave us and a few other tables free bowl of tau suan!
overall: super happy and relaxed now. haha. oh the only drawback, i saw the ex tk principal. thought i won't have to see her again but oh wells.
script a fairytale.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
dreams - 10:41 AM
i don't exactly understand the meaning behind this dream. mbbe i don't have to. so still feeling a little affected by my dream, i went to read newspapers and i read the article abt the cancer striken patient Joan Chan. and i cried =( i've nvr been so emotionally before. but its really scary and sad. the article mentions her friends having to buy her a dress for her last journey. oh well, go read it if ur interested. its L6,7 i think.
well, i noe the rest of my day would be alot different frm my morning. coz i'll be reading stuff abt xylem, pholem etc etc.
geez, i'm still feeling rather weird inside frm the dream and the newspaper article.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
... - 9:48 PM
anyways i went for dance concert yesterday. was ok i guess, as in i wasn't bored or wat during the concert. many qns kept popping in my head, that being the first ever dance concert i've ever watched. hahah oi didn't noe the ans to my qns. we decided to ask steph. HAHA. sth hilarious happened yesterday. during intermission me and oi sat at our places talking abt somebody. and for like 5 mins we were talking without realising we were talking abt a different person. haha it was damn funny. coz it's like :
"don't you think he's damn beng?"
"huh! i think he looks like XXX leh!"[ XXX happens to be this totally not beng guy]
-gives incredulous look-"i'm SURE he's not beng lah!"
"but he really look like quite a nice person"
and den it was getting too ridiculous that we realised it. haha ok i don't think ppl will understand whatever i just said. but it's still funny. haha finished at 9.30. received a phone call and got worried. therefore i went to my friend's house at like 10pm at night! talked till 11.15pm and things were better alr so i cabbed home. yar super tired. and i had to get up at 6.45am today coz there was band =S
reached at 7.45 coz i thought band started at 7.45 to realise the door wasn't even open. like wth. wasn't exactly what u would say happy the whole day coz i was/am really tired. anyway practise was not bad. played armenien dances, new world symphony, disney festival, some SLOW piece with 3 notes percussion part for the WHOLE song. failed terribly at sightreading the bass clef for the piano score -hides-. rest of the prac was spent stoning. learning how to play even double strokes! [err like i've played perc for 5yrs but i still can't play evenly =S] i like New World Symphony. mbbe coz i was playing timpani and it's a really fun part. the only other timpani part that i ever liked and enjoy playing was Hora [5th suite I THINK]. too bad we didn't get to play it. hope we play New World Symphony. heard a totally WEIRD AND ABSURB theory by someone in the section at the end of band prac! its totally WTH! hahaha but still damn funny!
had Mos for lunch! OMG! totally satisfied my craving! glad it's open again. but i don't think my burger was as nice as usual. but nothing to complain abt coz i heard the gratin one wasn't fantastic either. was wondering why i was feeling so hungry and eating so much but found the reason, and its not a permanent condition so... met Amelia! bought her this Chocolate Bananna Royal cake frm Andersons to celebrate her bday and we talked. hahaha apparently i think Mr Tan talks alot abt vj to sp. coz she knew alot of things w/o me having to tell her. hahaha but it was quite funny hearing abt it. like when she said he said the 3 pieces u play should be different. and i continued her sentence by talking abt the main course dessert thing. HAHAHA! yeah enough abt that. went for the outdoor band concert syf. i guess not peeping through the fence after every band prac makes the performance less impressive. HAHAHAHA. was so tired [i say again =S] i fell asleep at that hot place during 1 of the band's performance.
miss my paris mate! how ppl always ask whether we're sisters. [coz of that mole =S] how we used to slack at popular and buy jap food frm white sands food court. gg home together everyday. arranging meeting time 5mins earlier coz we noe we'd be late. sitting in front of her during lessons. plucking tau-geh after every band prac with jas and esther! haiz, den i moved house =( guess we're not AS close as before but still good friends!
getting just A LITTLE stressed at the fact that i have 3 test nxt week namely BIO, PHY and CHEM!
i feel so mean. glue it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
today feels complete. - 10:06 PM
just received a good night msg that made me smile. i shld really put in some effort in keeping contact, and not wait for ppl to contact me.
the best way to end the day: running at the ECP.
the best time to go home: 7.30pm.
the best bus to take: an empty double deck 55.
the best company on a bus ride: ipod[playlist], a good book/positive thoughts.
2 more school days till the weekends =D
Sunday, April 16, 2006
hmm - 5:45 PM
thursday - had half a day of school in the morning. followed by release of PW results. nothing for me to celebrate about, band 2. oh wells, den we had sports day in the afternoon. was supposed to chao and play bball right after they finish the band stuff but the pin broke while pumping the ball = no ball. it was drizzling as well so we resigned to our fate and sat there to watch cheerleading and pei xa while waiting for her 4x400 race of which she ran super well. haha. after that we were just walking around bumming here and there den we saw hl and the lion dance ppl playing bball!!! hahaha so we joined them and had a really fun game! its been such a long time since we played a proper game of bball, but we laughed so much we could hardly dribble properly. anyways was supposed to go billy bombers for dinner after that but we realised the price is far too much more than what we could afford so we settled with Country Mana [or however u spell it]. me and xa shared [ribs and half a chicken] and i walked out feeling SUPER full.
hmm some things are just different now. i wonder why. or at least it'll be nice to noe what exactly is the cause. mbbe we should self-reflect. i tried, but mbbe a little too late.
Friday - GOOD FRIDAY! hahaha woke up pretty late. bummed around at home watching tv before leaving house to go for dhs concert to support sidney. oh wells, it was raining nothing much to say abt the concert. saw adriel. went to lau pa sat to eat after concert. and i still had dinner after that. -shakes head- hahaha den went to orchard to meet tk percussionist for gathering, of which err 3 ppl turned up =S but wei lin was sick so she went home leaving me with xn. but it was ok. had dinner at the Pizza Walker place outside isetan at wisma. the pizza was quite nice but i couldn't eat much considering what i ate just now. and she was so nice she told me to pay lesser coz she said she's working alr and i'm not. =D talked about school, A levels, Uni, jobs, ppl. overall, it was a rather pleasent day.
Saturday - had band. was late =S had more fun sightreading Gypsy Dance during sectionals. hope we can pull it off! =D went for lunch at grapevine. always hear ppl talking abt it but i've never really been there myself. yeah the ambience was good, the oriental chicken was =S but the stuffed mushroom chicken tigh and apparently the dory was good. wanted to play pool, den boardgames, den pool, but we ended up at ch's house. played x-box, while the guys played mahjong. my interest for mahjong seems to have diminished greatly. the peak was during those times last yr when the section went to wy's house to play. ahh those were the days =S went home, ate dinner and finished up the story book i was reading. i picked up this book 1 week before Hawaii and i didn't get a chance to read it, though something told me i should renew it. and i did. and i think that 50cents was worth it. every bit. everythings just so, apt. i was truly touched at some parts of the book. perhaps coz the storyline is something close to the heart. haiz, now its time for me to visit the library again and hope i'll stumble upon another good book. hmm actually i thought of writing some of the phrases frm the book here but i think i'll just write it elsewhere. oh yeah and talked to hs for abt 2hrs yesterday. it has become like a standard thing every sat i'll be on the phone with her. they say talking abt things help, i hope it does.
understand the unexplained.
4) Nitrogen coumpound tutorial.
5) read Hormones and do Hormones tutorial.
6) Quantum tutorial.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
- 7:08 PM
i haven't disliked school this much since i've stepped into vj. woah. wat's brought on the sudden onset of such a strong resentment towards school? i dunno. just.. i dread lectures and tutorials. i'm always counting down the time left till the end of the lesson. everynight i get this immense dread of going to school. if this continues i can foresee me failing my CT2 coz i simply have no motivation to work. argh... when will i stop hating school and be like how i was before Hawaii. i guess i had too much fun in Hawaii that now when i'm back having teachers nag and nag how long more to the next lecture review i just argh... time to face reality and accept it. rite? yes yes..
there's chem test tmr. i have to do assignment 3.1, 3.2. i have to read bio tpt in plants and hormones. and do hormones tutorial. i have to read and start understanding electrochem.
hmmm.. on the bright side, at least there's Good Friday and Sports Day to look forward too. and the weekend. and i hope this holiday would be a good one.
it's like u suddenly go OHH!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
it haunts. - 10:08 AM
trying to calm myself with a hot drink.
just let me sleep well at night and i'd be really grateful.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
a bad day can turn out good. - 10:21 PM
anyway i woke up feeling like i've got up frm the wrong side of the bed. i got up and felt like "shit, i feel terrible!" nope, i don't think it had anything to do with my dream. but its weird how u can wake up and feel like crap right early in the morning. lived through the day doing capacitance tutorial and maths DRV3.2. eating, sleeping and watching tv. couldn't conc while i was doing work. when u start the day badly it seems to carry on, and not ebb away. was contemplating whether to call someone just to talk but decided not to. don't exactly have many friends where i can just call and talk. and i don't want to disturb others. anyway, its like telepathy or sth, hs called. haha came up with many conclusions. and i feel alot better. hope she does too.
ahhh crap entry. nothing much to blog about anyway.
- 12:27 AM
haven't been really updating this week. guess there isn't much time.
monday - was spent lagging behind ALL lectures and tutorials. not forgetting stoning away thinking about Hawaii every single minute.
tuesday - was spent lagging behind lectures and tutorials. not forgetting stoning away thinking about Hawaii. AGAIN.
wednesday - was spent lagging behind some lectures and tutorials [esp CHEM]. put on 1kg after having pepper lunch, gelatissisimo, dinner, venetta. Tristan and Isolde.[hope thats how u spell it =S]
thursday - was spent lagging behing ALL lectures [i conveniently forgot to bring my stack of notes to school]. tried to burn some fats running 3km. dreaded, stoned, hated every minute of Chem S. rushed GP essay due on Friday.
Friday - took bus to school myself and reached at 6.45. was spent lagging behind Electrochem lecture, Maths tutorial and sleeping through Kidney lecture. went for bio remedial without reading the notes beforehand. fattenned myself with Yakun Kaya toast. Phy tuition. Home.
finally its the end of the week. i've survived the whole week. miserably though. post Hawaii blues. every night i reach home. shower and eat. sit at the table from about 9 and work till 12. pack up and realise i'm only 1/4 way done with work due tmr and turn in. and the day repeats. there's nothing to look forward to. no band pracs [besides the outing on Wed]. well all these have certainly taken a toll on my mood. i seem to have been 10xs more irritated than usual, ppl pissing me off and i pissing ppl off. sorry!
time to embrace the weekend. finally. and i noe next week will be a better week.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Hawaii 2006 - 11:39 PM
Day 1:
boarded the plane. sat beside Steph, my room mate. reached Korea and went on a day tour. went to many places i didn't go the last time i went korea which was last december. haha spent money on sunglasses, belt, food [some cake like thingy and this fried thingy which had honey/nian gao inside] haha
arrived in Hawaii. took a coach to our hotel to place our luggages. while passing thru the town, it certainly did not look like the Hawaii i had in mind. wat i saw reminded me of Malaysia. like the buildings were a little run down. reached our hotel to place our luggages there and received a Lei welcome [those flower things they put on ur neck]. went for a circle island tour which was really good coz of the scenery! the crashing waves, the unique structures, the natural waterfall, the lookout where we could see the whole city, the beautiful houses facing the sea [those you dream of staying there after retirement]. checked into the hotel and had our shower immediately [we were stinking up frm not bathing for 36hrs!] browsed a little of the Interanational Market place during the free time at night.
had breakfast at Perry Smorgy's! i was overwhelmed by the amount of food and how good everything looked!!!!! pancakes, french toast, toast, scrambled eggs, muffins, bread, jelly, fried noodles, ham etc. went for rehearsal at Marlin room. =S had shopping centre performance in the afternoon and thought we were so gonna screw it but i guess it didn't turn out as bad. coz we had the "grroviest" and "moodiest" competition within the band and everybody was trying to act enthu so we were quite hyper after the performance. ended off the day at Ala Moana shopping centre with 3 roxy t shirts! had semi formal dinner at night. all the rushing to get changed and everything and the main highlight was taking pictures with everybody else. haha.
BREAKFAST!! Pearl habour. i slept. though it was really interesting and i was a history student i shld understand, but i was far too tired. =S ate some super salty chinese food and had our final rehearsal. totally screwed my toms part and was feeling like crap and scared and dejected. back to Ala Moana to support St Pats. didn't buy much frm there this time except my Hawaiian Host chocolates and macademia nuts.
Day 5:
we overslept. on the competition day we overslept!!! haiz. changed and tied up our hair neatly and went for sound check. before i knew it the competition was over. we performed one of our best to the 3 judges. was perspiring during the last piece. first time i played till i was perspiring. free time was Ala Moana again and the long wait for the bus back caused us to run all the way from the bus stop to our hotel rooms and out again with socks and shoes half on. watched the remaining bands perform before heading out to Denny's for dinner! hahaha had super embarrassing moments with TIPS and the locals. hahaha.
Day 6:
exchange with Killara high school. had lunch nearby and bought all the remaining gifts for ppl. haiz and i just realised i could do with 2 sets of coconut bras. haiz.. went to the Hawaii theatre for the closing ceremony. the sign outside is like those broadway kind. SUPER COOL! and we watched the performances and jumped for joy when they announced we got a GOLD! we were really worried. Miss Tey called Mrs Chan immediately. haha Zhi Yuan was kissing the medal like nobody's business. haha stayed up the whole night playing cards and talking and packing and watching pranks being played. went to the beach and chilled out. literally! but it was really nice.
very brief sumarry. typed more for the reason of me to remember wat i did when i read back nxt time than for others to read. it'll be too boring. anyway we were all sufferring frm post Hawaii blues. =(((((((( i'm falling asleep in front of the comp. just some pictures before totally konk out.
this trip, i've learnt many things in many ways.

Oi and Me at this cool place.

the sunrise at Waikiki beach.

that cool broadway sign!

one of the nicest section photo taken =D

room mates! made the nights in Hawaii so much more fun!
for more, http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2107809245